New Invasive Spider Species Explodes Across America

Many East Coast states of the United States have been invaded by parachuting spiders known as Joro spiders. A recent study by Clemson University, released in October, reveals that these spiders will likely continue spreading in the future.

After being introduced to the United States from Asia in shipping containers over ten years ago, the number of Joro spiders—distinguished by their yellow and gray abdomens—has exploded.
The parachuting spiders have relocated to the ecosystems of the Carolinas and Georgia. The paper also notes that recent reports have come in from Alabama, Maryland, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. According to the findings of the Clemson research, spiders are not going anywhere.

David Coyle, who led the study, said they are spreading rapidly. According to the data, most of the eastern United States appears to be suitable for this spider.

Researchers say that the abundance of food available in the United States allows Joro spiders to flourish without any natural predators. The parachute spider is dominant in its territory and eats everything that wanders into its web, including Monarch butterflies and brown marmorated stink bugs.

Joro spiders avoid dwellings and prefer to create their webs in the open, usually along the sides of buildings. Researchers say that scaring the spider away is preferable to hiring an exterminator because it is less expensive. Despite their size and toxicity, parachuting spiders are not a serious hazard due to their relatively small fangs.

Pesticides are helpful but may be overkill as they can harm other organisms and come at a financial price.’

If they have already inhabited your home, Coyle says it’s just as easy to move them elsewhere physically rather than kill them.

Getting rid of them seems simplistic once you hear the recommendation– Coyle proposes using a stick or broom.