Democrat Strategist Hurls Expletives at Young Voters For Turning on Biden

Democrat strategist James Carville over the weekend lit into younger Democrat voters who are considering sitting out the presidential election, warning that they could not only ruin Biden’s reelection chances but would help turn the country into a “theocracy” by clearing the way for Donald Trump’s return to the White House.

In an expletive-laced rant on his “Politics War Room” podcast last Sunday, Carville dismissed the argument that younger voters don’t want either Biden or Trump because the two candidates are both too old.

He told younger voters to pay attention to what was happening in the US Supreme Court, which he claimed was taking “every right that you could possibly have away from you.”

Carville also claimed without evidence that the Supreme Court was planning to grant immunity to Donald Trump even though in America, nobody should be above the law.

Carville also attacked the conservative justices on the Court, calling them “illegitimate whores” for daring to ask questions to attorneys during oral arguments on Trump’s claim of presidential immunity – something justices are supposed to do during oral arguments.

Turning his attention to younger voters, Carville said they should be told that if they refused to get involved in the November election, the Supreme Court would “be involved in your life for the rest of your freaking life.”

He said if Trump and the conservatives on the court have their way, “there will be no government left” and Americans would lose all their rights and end up living “under theocracy” and “Christian nationalism.”

Carville wrapped up his rant by suggesting that the American news media and Democrats should tell younger voters “to get off your mother f*cking ass” and vote in November as if their “entire future” and the future of the country depended on it.

He added that this was not “an exaggeration” because “quite frankly, it does.”