Kamala Harris Asked Why “Dozens” Of Democrats Don’t Support Her

(RoyalPatriot.com )- Would President Joe Biden, who at 80 is already the oldest president in U.S. history, compete for reelection in 2024, despite calls from members of both parties for younger politicians in Washington, D.C.?

Biden has repeatedly declared that he would run for president, but he has yet to make a formal announcement. Even if he does, Kamala Harris is not guaranteed to be on the ballot with him. Should he not run, the Democrats may not nominate her in 2024.

On Saturday at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, Harris was asked in an exclusive interview with NBC News whether she is part of the new generation for the Democrats if Biden chooses not to run.

The anti-communicator, “Word-Salad Harris,” said she knows from touring the nation that the American people want leaders who will recognize what’s going on in their lives and produce answers, not just suggest ideas, but create solutions. She said, in Joe Biden, we have a president who is arguably one of the bravest and strongest American presidents we have had to respond to the concerns of the American people.

It was brought to Harris’s attention that many prominent Democrats do not believe Biden to be the most qualified candidate and do not think she should be on the ticket with him.

She said that the nation’s attention should be on the needs of its citizens rather than the partisan bickering emanating from the nation’s capital.

Harris was also probed on why she feels Biden has such low favorability ratings and why hers are even worse.

She said she believes that we must concentrate on what is genuinely improving America and the American people and families.

According to political analyst Craig Agranoff, Harris has been challenged and criticized for her stances on subjects like immigration and criminal justice reform. He did, however, point out that public opinion is malleable. Politicians can win back voters in the long run.

The New York Times reports that many powerful Democrats do not want Joe Biden to resign because they believe Kamala Harris would lose in 2024.