Vegan Ice Cream Faces Recall Due to Incorrect Allergen Labelling

At least one person suffered anaphylactic shock after eating a frozen dessert that contained peanuts without disclosing that on the packaging. 

As a result, the New York company Van Leeuwen Ice Cream is recalling a small batch of one of its flavors, Vegan Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll, which it says was only sold in one store in Brooklyn. The total recall is for four pints of the package. 

While media reports are describing the dessert as “vegan” ice cream, it is not ice cream, as it has no dairy products in it. In fact, it has no animal-derived ingredients at all, which is what appeals to those who follow a vegan diet. Unlike vegetarians who eat cheese, milk, and eggs, vegans refuse to eat any form of food that is derived from an animal. This extreme diet is difficult to maintain, as animal products are found in nearly everything, even if their presence would not be obvious. 

Those who adhere to veganism usually do so because they are opposed to the suffering or killing of animals for human sustenance. But the most extreme misrepresent reality, claiming that humans can be optimally healthy on an animal-free diet. This is extremely unlikely, as the human digestive system evolved to eat meat and animal products. 

The recalled frozen treat was sold in containers of 14 ounces, and stamped with lot number 24V094. The sell-by date is April 3, 2026 (do you know of any actual ice cream that stays “good” for two years?), and this information can be found on the bottom of the package, which is a bright orange color. 

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the recall was issued because at least eight containers of the product had peanuts but did not disclose this fact. Four the eight pints have been returned, leaving an additional four in various people’s home freezers. 

While consuming peanuts can be deadly for those with an allergy (though not all who are allergic have an extreme reaction with a high risk of death), there is no danger in eating this product if one is not allergic to peanuts. 

Van Leeuwen wants to hear from anyone who bought or consumed the dessert. The company is taking emails at [email protected]