Trump Pays Tribute to the Queen in Newly Released Book

Donald Trump had kind words for the UK’s late monarch Queen Elizabeth II in his new coffee table book “Save America,” which will be released next week.

According to the UK paper The Sun, Trump is quoted in the glossy book saying her majesty “made me happy,” which is accompanied by a photo of the pair during Trump’s state visit as president in 2019. The queen mounted a banquet in his honor for the occasion.

The book depicts highlights of Trump’s political career, and proceeds from its sales go into his presidential campaign war chest.

It is not clear what her majesty may have thought of the brash American president, though, as Trump complained about a recent biography of the queen in which she is quoted as saying that he was “very rude.” Trump lashed out at the book’s author, Craig Brown, saying the quote was false and that Brown is a “sleaze bag.”

In his new book, Trump also expresses frustration that Boris Johnson is no longer the prime minister and is not active in government. Reflecting on a picture of Johnson among G7 nation leaders in a photo from the meeting in 2019, Trump said “the world changes so much,” noting that none of the people in the photo are in office any longer.

Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkle did not appear to have a very cordial relationship, but he compliments her in the book, calling her a “good woman.” He said that the perception that their relationship was strained was not true. “I did very much get along with her,” Trump wrote. He called Merkle a “strong leader” who had made mistakes on energy policy, and strayed from the correct course when she let more than one million “migrants” into Germany.

Trump has some things to say about Russian President Vladimir Putin, too. He said the two leaders “had an understanding,” and that if he, Trump, had been in office in 2022, Putin would not have dared to launch a war against Ukraine.