Study Reveals Gen X Getting Cancer More Than Previous Generations 

A new article from the New York Post (also promoted by Yahoo news) has addressed the significantly rising cancer rates among generation X (born 1965-1980). In the grand scheme of things, this generation of individuals has unfortunately experienced higher rates of cancer diagnoses than their parents (usually members of the silent generation born between the years 1928 and 1945). Unfortunately, researches have determined that members of generation X have outpaced their parents and the baby boomers (generation immediately preceding them) in cancer rates per 100,000 people. 

A report from the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics shows this alarming data. According to the report, smoking may be one of the top causes for this generation experiencing higher rates of cancer. Positively though, the study acknowledged that rates of smoking amongst the general public have markedly increased since Generation X’s younger years, and this has been caused at least in part by concerted public health efforts to show the negative consequences of the habit. The report also encourages early and regular screenings for individuals. Those who do may be able to detect serious types of cancer, such as gastric, colon cancer, rectum cancer, cervix and ovarian cancers and breast cancers at early stages. Catching cancers early markedly increases the chance an individual has at surviving. 

Obesity and a lack of exercise was also cited as a key reason for rising cancer rates.

It is no secret that many Americans are simply unhealthy and that American society as a whole is likely markedly unhealthier than it had been in previous years. Generation X is not the only generation that has experienced significantly higher cancer rates; rates across the board are increasing, especially amongst younger people. One type of cancer, (colorectal cancer), is a type that is rising significantly. Health officials have encouraged increased research and investing into technologies to fight the cancer as young people unfortunately face this reality.