Ocasio-Cortez’s Next Big Mistake Revealed?

National Security blog 19fortyfive reveals that despite being one of the most consistently sensible and reasonable persons on the current US Supreme Court, Justice Clarence Thomas has been the target of unfair attacks from Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

Thomas was raised in the Deep South, where his family spoke mostly Gullah, the language of African-American slaves. He was born into extreme poverty. 

Thomas’s rise from poverty to wealth is among the most inspiring American success tales. Clarence Thomas symbolizes grandeur and the raw American spirit, regardless of whether you agree with his political opinions or legal beliefs. 

In AOC’s case, as a bourgeois New Yorker who attended Boston College, allegedly earning a degree in economics, she can recognize “systemic racism” when she sees it.

AOC often accuses anyone on the Right, including Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,  a descendant of liberated slaves, of being racist. She calls those with whom she disagrees a ‘fascist’ and demands that former Trump Administration officials be barred from public life. 

The report shows AOC is trying to oust Thomas from the Supreme Court. 

AOC has been at the forefront of the current Leftist push to impeach Justice Thomas on charges that he received luxury flights arranged by a Texas entrepreneur Harlan Crow without revealing those travels. 

But concerns about wrongly reported travel expenses are unrelated to this issue. 

Cortez is aware of Sam Bankman-Fried and his monetary presents to DNC politicians over the years. The majority of their elected Congressmen would be in jeopardy as they too often accept gifts and vacations from special interests. 

In a statement released last Friday, Justice Thomas stated that early in his time at the Court, he obtained advice from his peers and other members of the judicial branch and was told that this kind of personal generosity from a good friend, who does not have a case before the Supreme Court, was not reportable.  He said these guidelines are currently being revised, and in the future, he intends to adhere to this advice.