Mother of Slain Detective Slams Town Council for Rejecting Request

crisis has occurred over the last several years in terms of crime. Since the 2020 covid-19 pandemic and the murder of George Floyd, America cities and urban centers have seen a sharp increase in crime and homelessness for many reasons in the country. The relationship between cops and the general public has also deteriorated with many people feeling a sense of distrust for law enforcement officials. Many police departments around the country have significantly struggled to recruit new officers and many people have left the profession altogether. 

While undoubtedly some law enforcement officials are corrupt and not everybody is working truly in the best interest of their constituency or the general community, the profession is extremely difficult and police officers in general are vital to the well-being and safety of every American community and they should be treated with respect and integrity. In one town, this is certainly not the case. In Wethersfield Connecticut, a local municipal government has opposed the mother of a fallen police detective and given her a significantly hard time in recent days. The town council voted recently not to fly the “thin blue line” flag, a symbol of support for police officers. 

Debbie Garten’s son, Robert was killed in the line of duty in September 2023. Garten claimed that in other recent incidents in which local municipal and town council members and public servants appeared on the news to discuss the death of a recently fallen law enforcement official that they embarrassed themselves and the community by making comments that were not in support of law enforcement. Garten claimed the issue has been mishandled, and that the town’s decision to disallow the flying of the flag has been an insulting and embarrassing decision that has serious negative repercussions and shows a general sentiment of distrust or disrespect to those who serve and the families they are a part of.