Fox News Owner Got A $100 Million Loan Linked To China

A report ponders if Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News was possibly orchestrated by the CCP and their worldwide influence network. 

To sustain his media empire, Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch borrowed a stunning $100 million through the Bank of China last year.  The loan was made about the same time Fox began shifting its programming to one dubbed “CNN-lite.”

The report shows that under the News Corp name, Rupert Murdoch signed a gigantic credit arrangement on March 29, 2022, which included mega-loans from numerous institutions, including the state-run Bank of China. The CCP contributed $100,000,000 toward the total loan amount of $1.25 billion.

The deal occurred under News Corp, not Fox Corp. 

In 2022, Rupert Murdoch proposed merging Fox Corp. and News Corp. into a single conglomerate. That plan was later abandoned because it was deemed bad for shareholders.

The report shows that before being fired, Tucker Carlson had been one of few news hosts to speak about Coronavirus 2019 and links to the Chinese and the US government, which runs bio-labs inside Communist China. 

His show had the largest audience of any on Fox News.

Carlson’s coverage of the Communist takeover of Brazil as a Fox News host was also closely followed by other media, which detailed how the CCP and its extensive web of foreign influence operations intervened directly in the contentious 2022 Brazilian Presidential Election.

Carlson recently criticized Communist China in a video interview, referring to the CCP and its worldwide power as a serious problem for the US and the globe.

In his video, Tucker Carlson said that the US has difficulty resolving the Chinese issue and that giving a nation that doesn’t believe what we believe control over the globe is a concern.

That would cause a dramatic shift in international dynamics and how Americans live. A world ruled by China would be different from the current one. We’re not making any progress on fixing it.